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Ev Ehrlich

Grant Speaks
Praise for Grant Speaks
New York Times: "His prose... is breezy and almost effortless."
LA Times: "Genuinely witty."
Publishers Weekly: "A cheeky lark."
Good Reads: "a surprisingly poignant view of 19th century America"

Big Government
Buy it at Amazon
Praise for Big Government
The Washington Post: “satire is the novel's real meat and that Ehrlich is almost always good at it”
Publishers Weekly: “a rollicking parody of current American political life”
Kirkus Reviews: "á beguiling satire of Washington’s wacky ways”

Red Shadow:
The Economics Rock & Roll Band
Praise for Red Shadow
New Haven Advocate: "Funny and enlightening."
The Guardian: "A knock-out... you have to hear it to believe it."
Peoria Prairie Sun: "Disarmingly funny."
Understanding Marx​
(Livin' In) Stagflation
Ass With The Class
Gone, Gone, Gone
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