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Ev Ehrlich
Radio Transmissions
These are audiotapes of my NPR commentaries taken from NPR’s archives. They’re really an excuse to reproduce “At Home With The Ehrlichs,” in which I turn the Social Security debate into a Great Gildersleeve-type radio program, and got my son Nick, then 18, to do it with me. (He was the star of his high school’s musical comedy program and just killed his part, just listen and see.)
I’d did most of these by sitting down at the mike and making believe I was Eric Sevareid, tossing the wrath of God around the room. That’s not how I sounded, of course, but it was a great fantasy.
If you’re good, I’ll tell you who Eric Sevareid was.
Oct 26, 2005
Fed Chair: A Tough Job to Prepare For
President Bush's nominee for Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, could get his Senate hearing next month. Ev Ehrlich, undersecretary...
Nov 2, 2004
Wal-Mart Eyes Japanese Retailer
Commentator Ev Ehrlich thinks Wal-Mart's effort to acquire an interest in the Japanese retailer Daiei could be the best thing to reach...
Apr 23, 2004
Presidential Politics and Open Trade
Commentator Ev Ehrlich urges both President Bush and Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry to reconsider their campaign positions...
Feb 20, 2004
Should Comcast Buy Disney?
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says any time a cable or satellite company tries to buy a content producer, the projected profits rarely...
Jan 5, 2004
At Home With the Ehrlichs
The debate over who will pay for social security reminds commentator Ev Ehrlich of an old-time radio drama. Listen as he and his son...
Oct 17, 2003
Can Business Get Good Policy Done?
Commentator Ev Ehrlich thinks both political parties are doing their best to avoid tackling some crucial economic issues. Businesspeople...
Sep 5, 2003
America Must Lead on Trade
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says that next week's world trade talks in Mexico need to address the problems of the world's poorest countries....
Jul 23, 2003
Making Singapore Safe for American Gum
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says just because people in Singapore can chew gum after years of a national ban does not equal American success...
Jun 24, 2003
Star Trek and the Fed
Commentator Ev Ehrlich reflects on the Fed, interest rates and Star Trek.
May 22, 2003
The Dangers of Unilateralism
As Iraq's reconstruction project gets under way, commentator Ev Ehrlich says the Bush administration should cooperate with the Europeans....
Mar 19, 2003
The Economics of War in Iraq
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says as the country prepares to go to war in Iraq, lawmakers on Capitol Hill should consider the war's economic...
Feb 7, 2003
Deficits – Once an Issue
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says deficits are a cloud looming on the national horizon, and it would be wise to deal with them sooner than later.
Dec 11, 2002
Eliminating Tariffs
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says he supports Trade Representative Robert Zoellick's proposal to eliminate tariffs on manufactured goods around...
Oct 28, 2002
Home Ownership as an Anti-Recession Strategy
The economy received a surprising boost recently when the Commerce Department announced that housing starts surged in September....
Sep 25, 2002
Jack Welch and Corporate Pay
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says dismay over the lucrative retirement package of former General Electric CEO Jack Welch is misplaced. Instead,...
Sep 10, 2002
A Decade of Stagnation?
Despite concerns over an economy suffering from deviant corporate accounting and plummeting stock figures, Commentator Ev Ehrlich says...
Apr 1, 2002
Japanese Baseball
Baseball has long been known as "America's Pastime," but a recent influx of foreign players is changing the face of the game. Commentator...
Feb 21, 2002
Different Recessions Are Different
Commentator Ev Ehrlich looks back at the recessions of the 1970's and 80's, their causes and what this tells us about America's current...
Dec 26, 2001
Lessons From Enron
Now that Enron has disintegrated, commentator Ev Ehrlich thinks it's a good time to look at the company and see what and where it went...
Nov 5, 2001
Our Dependence on Oil
Commentator Ev Ehrlich wonders why nothing has been done to alter America's energy dependence on fossil fuels, despite the obvious...
Oct 19, 2001
Defense Spending and the Economy
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says that although spending for defense used to be lauded as a boon for the economy, it may not have the same...
May 24, 2001
In Praise of Rouge Artists
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says the American impulse to embrace its rogue artists is the same spirit that gives the U.S. a keen edge in the...
Mar 26, 2001
An Interview With the Sock Puppet
Commentator Ev Ehrlich consults the sock puppet about what lies ahead for companies like the one he used to work for before it...
Mar 7, 2001
Census Population Data
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says census data reflect millions more people in the U.S. than population projections suggest. He thinks foreign...
Jan 25, 2001
Right Brained Economy
Commentator Ev Ehrlich says computers are changing the qualities the economy seeks in its managers. The ability to analyze is becoming...
Dec 25, 2000
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Commentator Ev Ehrlich deconstructs the Christmas song, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Listen here.
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